Rockets, Robots, Solar Systems and Space Toys
Rockets, Robots, Solar Systems and Space Toys
Commemorating the Moon Landing Half Centenary
2019 is a big year for space fans as it's a whopping 50 years - FIFTY YEARS!! - since the Apollo 11 mission put a crew of astronauts on the Moon and Neil Armstrong uttered the immortal words of "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." and did you know that it's 60 years since the Soviets first landed a space probe on the surface of the moon whilst this year has seen interest in moon exploration increase again as a Chinese probe explore's the 'dark side' of the moon - which isn't dark - it's just the bit that's always facing away from the Earth.
People have always been fascinated by space, the sun and moon, the planets in our solar system and beyond, with the big question of 'are we alone in the Universe?' being one of the most interesting issues to consider as we look beyond planet Earth. It's the mystery of space and the possibilities posed by wondering what other planets or alien beings would be like that makes it such a fascinating subject for books, films, TV programmes and, for children, imaginary play.
As a child of the 70's I remember turning our dining table chairs onto their backs and myself and my cousin sitting on them with our backs to the floor where we would then grip the sides and shake them around pretending to be in a rocket taking off, we would then slide off to explore the sitting room pretending to walk around in moonboots! We watched the Clangers and Star Trek, Dr Who and then Star Wars. My own children also enjoyed space themed role play - they played at being Lunar Jim and then Darth Maul, constructed endless Lego space ships and then went on to make stop go animation films of Lego Star Wars mini figures having battles (or in one particularly inspired short film the stormtroopers went shopping for new weapons!).
Space themed toys are always on the menu in our Manchester Toy Shop. One of our best sellers is the Wow Toys Ronnie Rocket. Wow Toys are made from sturdy plastic, making them toddler proof and hardwearing. They don't use batteries so that children are encouraged to construct their own adventures rather than following a prescribed set of instructions or having particular lines of dialogue repeated. We've had a Ronnie Rocket on the play table in our shop for a few years now and it's always a firm favourite and we love seeing toddlers counting down from 10 to 1 before blasting off and zooming it around.
With the Moon landing anniversary half centenary we saw lots of new space themed toys when we visited the toy buyers fair at the NEC earlier this year. Playmobil had a fantastic selection of space themed toys, including the massive Mars Space Station and Mission Rocket with Launch Site which would make amazing birthday gifts for space fans. The Mars Space Station is comprised of a modular space station for the two astronauts and their robot companion to live and it includes lots of accessories to enable them to survive in hostile alien environments. The Rocket with Launch Site is another toy with lots of play value. There are three Playmobil figures and lots of accessories to help get the rocket into the stratosphere. Complementing these big sets they also have a Mars Rover set which includes an astronaut for £9.99 plus a duo figures set of an Astronaut and a Robot for £4.99. Perfect for an end of week treat!

Lego have also added a range of Space themed sets to their City range. These include the awesome looking Lunar Space Station, the Mars Research Shuttle and the Rover Testing Drive Vehicle. These have already proved to be popular in our Didsbury shop, whilst another popular seller and long term best seller is the Glow in the Dark Solar System which allows you to create a solar system on your bedroom ceiling. Ideal as gifts for children from toddlers to tweens, and at £10.99 they are a good price for party presents.
Another space themed toy which caught our eye at the Toy Fair earlier this year was the My Very Own Moon by educational toy specialist Brainstorm Toys. You can bring the moon into your own room with this amazing and unique set. The authentic moonscape shines moonlight just like the real moon. The remote controlled moon automatically scrolls through twelve illuminated lunar phases and it has a manual function that allows you to set your own moon to look just like the moon outside. It also Includes a fascinating colourful educational booklet and is easily wall mounted, requiring batteries rather than mains electricity so can be moved around.
We've also got a great selection of space themed books, ranging from picture books such as Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram (which was a favourite of my boys who loved the funny aliens) to fact books about space and our solar system.
Whatever your age and budget we really hope we have something for all space fans in our shop and we've put a selection into this month's window display which features a display module of the Playmobil space toys.
We're giving one lucky customer the chance to win the Playmobil Toys space display which includes The Mission Rocket with Launch Site, The Mars Space Station and the Playmobil Mars Research Vehicle - this brilliant prize is worth £170 so if you know a Playmobil fan who would love these space toys enter now using the Rafflecopter widget below.
Good luck if you're entering our competition and to keep up to date with our latest product news and competition launches why not Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest or sign up to receive our newsletters. And if you're in the Manchester area be sure to call in to our Didsbury shop to see what's new in store, we're Manchester's only independent toy specialist and we're a treasure trove of toys, books and games for kids from babies to teens and all ages in between