The lovely Sophie Le Girafe is 55 years old in 2016 and is still as popular as ever. She is one of our most popular items, and with the product range increasing all the time you’ll be sure to find something special for your little one.
The original Sophie (Giftboxed for £14.99) is loved by babies because she is designed to be a perfect grasping toy as they can get their little hands around her legs, she squeaks and most importantly she is a soothing teether. Her texture is firm enough to provide relief without being too hard to cause further discomfort and her long legs reach those pesky, sore back gums unlike lots of other teethers on the market.
She is the perfect toy for teething babies as she is completely safe made from phylate-free rubber and non-toxic paints. Recently Vulli have also launched a ‘Sophie the Giraffe So Pure’ range which is made of 100% natural rubber from the Hevea tree and is softer than the main range.
From the So Pure range we have the So Pure Teething Ring £10.99 which has different textured surfaces (smooth, ridged and bumpy) for baby to choose from depending on their needs.
For Sophie Giraffe fans, we also have the Sophie Activity Spiral. Priced at £21.99 this very gorgeous activity spiral is perfect for attaching to prams or travel seats to keep your baby entertained on the move. Also available is the Sophie Giraffe Gift Set which includes an original Sophie Giraffe, a Sophie Flower Rattle and a Vanilla Teether.
To celebrate Sophie's 55th Birthday in 2016 the lovely people in Sophie HQ have produced the Limited Edition Sophie Giraffe Gift Sets which include an original Sophie Giraffe Teether and So Pure Teething Ring Gift Set for the bargain price of £16.99, offering a saving of £8.99 than if purchased separately. Stock is limited on these sets so these are available for a short period only.
So if you're looking for the perfect baby shower gift, new baby gift or teething toy for your own baby we heartily recommend the Sophie Giraffe range, 55 years of comforting babies indicates just how popular and successful this wonderful toy range is for young babies.